Los legados del "boom" latinoamericano: Gabriel García Márquez y la escritura africana contemporánea (Centro Cultural del Banco de la República and the Universidad de Atlántico, Barraquilla, Colombia)

04.19.2023. I will be presenting the paper, "Los legados del "boom" latinoamericano: Gabriel García Márquez y la escritura africana contemporánea” (The Legacies of the Latin American ‘Boom’: Gabriel García Márquez and Contemporary African Literature) as part of the panel “Gabo inagotable, nuevas lecturas en el siglo XXI” (Inexhaustible Gabo: New Readings in the Twenty-First Century) in the series “Nuevas lecturas de Macondo” (New Readings of Macondo) at the Universidad del Atlántico in Barranquilla, Colombia (co-organized with the Centro Cultural del Banco de la República). This is a hybrid event, open to the public, and more information can be found here.

Out now: "Reclaiming the Cosmopolitan" at SYNDICATE: LIT

Out now: “Of Freedom and the Problem of the Future in Contemporary Diasporic African Speculative Fiction” in JALA: JOURNAL OF THE AFRICAN LITERATURE ASSOCIATION